The Window Seat

I was wearing my sky blue sweater, with an open weave like twine. It’s not actually what I’m wearing, but it’s what I should be […]

Hip Bones

6 Daddy enters the echoing stone house with sharp thick too loud noises. Eve still sits on the floor in the growing dark of the […]


She was tall this time, with long legs that shone the color of dark mustard in the light from Mama’s room. Andrew watched her follow […]


A year and two days ago, she called me at 3 a.m. to tell me about a dream she had: fish, all colors, most with […]

Challenger Deep

[ydn-legacy-photo-inline id=”175″ ] When the jellyfish came, we woke everyone up. They floated down on the ship like snow and even Lev came into the […]

Red Delicious

“Hey, beautiful. Still looking at those retirement plans?” Patty looked up from her computer screen. There was no one else in her office. Probably just […]

The Empty Chair

[ydn-legacy-photo-inline id=”232″ ] [ydn-legacy-photo-inline el_id=”23991″ ] What’s the point? wonders Jack, laying out knives with their blades facing the plates, the little desert forks across […]


An old lady died at work the other day. Rick was ringing her up her groceries and she was getting her wallet out to pay, […]


There is more noise on the bus than anywhere else. I know because Mama and Siyanda and I sit on it every morning. There is […]


The moon was as full as Ari’s womb. Sky and skyscraper traced the rows of stenciled water with purple silver light. It was a dirty […]

Clever Title – Third Place, Wallace Prize for Fiction

For Herblin. Thanks for all the help, old dog. (And for Cindy…) THE MOUSE IS feisty today,” y’all will have said. The sun will have […]