‘Country club’ sports and ‘pay-to-play’ pipelines — does athletic recruitment favor certain Yale applicants?

A News survey and analysis of the backgrounds of Yale’s recruited athlete population found an overrepresentation of white and private-school students relative to the overall Yale College population.

DATA: Yale College trends toward graduating more STEM than humanities and arts majors

In 2022, more students graduated from Yale College with degrees in science and engineering than in any year since the Office of Institutional Research began publishing data on Yale undergraduate student majors in 2000.

DATA: Survey suggests Yalies support affirmative action at rates slightly higher than national average

In a News survey, 67 percent of 360 Yale students, staff and faculty expressed support for race-conscious admissions, compared to roughly 60 percent of Americans per national polls.

ANALYSIS: The legacy of affirmative action

Data from a National Bureau of Economic Research paper confirm theories that maintaining legacy preference in admissions processes hurts racial diversity, while both legacy preference and race-conscious admissions significantly benefit wealthy applicants over their lower-class peers.

DATA: Yale’s Most Popular Courses

In the third installment of a project last seen in the spring of 2020, the News analyzed the classes that are the most shopped and trending day to day.

Race and rank in Yale faculty

A closer look at the demographics and tenure status of Yale faculty members

How Yale talked about COVID-19

The words administrators and HOCs used to talk to students about the pandemic

As pandemic continues, cheating gains speed

The News conducted a survey of Yale undergraduates that showed approximately 50 percent of those who committed academic dishonesty did so for the first time during the virtual learning semesters.

Survey reveals Yale College’s alcohol preferences

In a recent survey, the News analyzed how Yale College students’ drinking habits have been affected by COVID-19.

Large donations from Yale faculty went almost exclusively to Democratic-affiliated candidates and groups

Of all donation recipients, the Biden campaign received the largest sum from Yale faculty — $169,390.

Fall 2020: More than half of Yalies consider time off if classes go online

The News surveyed Yale College students from the classes of 2021 through 2023 about their opinions regarding online learning.