No frontin’, just stuntin’

What often distracts me these days as I sit in the library staring at my computer screen isn’t the river of headlines or the steady stream of noise collecting on the next tab, but rather some unseen soundboard of springtime emanating from without.

So It Went

Disconnecting and sucummbing to numbness is not the right answer to feeling too much for too long.

A Collaborative Spirit

This past Friday, I went to view XS Collaborative’s opening exhibition, a series of three converted New Haven storefronts on College Street. XS Collaborative is a mixture of graduate students drawn from the School of Art, Music, Architecture, Forestry, and more. According to their mission statement on their Facebook page, XS views themselves as an “inter-disciplinary collaborative student group that seeks to open up siloed knowledge and production at Yale.” After seeing how XS publically engaged with Friday’s events on their Facebook page, I would urge XS to extend their collaborative spirit to everyone in the greater New Haven community.

A Poem from the Incarcerated

One of the young inmates at the Cheshire County Correctional Facility is a Hispanic from New Brighton, Lionel (whose name has been changed for anonymity). Lionel has the liveliest presence for someone in his situation: every Saturday he greets me with a warm chuckle and sincere handshake. He hangs on every word of our conversations, though at times jittering, and shaking his head, explaining to me that: “m’am, we are sheltered from the way you think.” Trying to better understand him, and his past, I asked him to write a piece that was representative of his past. The next week Lionel showed up with his unfailing smile and this poem, asking me when he would become a published author. Well, here it is, Lionel.

From Anonymity to Acronym

The term SWUG, suffocatingly popular, has swept our campus, and now, the entire nation like a pandemic.

Understanding Suzy Lee Weiss’ Anger

Two weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Suzy Lee Weiss, a high school senior who had received the short end of the college admissions stick.


Society is just one of the strange things that we as Yalies can’t quite verbalize to outsiders.

Periods Are Funny

Until the day I see a joke about period vomit, it’s just not going to be enough.


Beginning at 12, I internalized a truth I came to see as universal: Extroverts were better than introverts. I was on the losing team. I was the unfrosted side of a Frosted Mini-Wheat.

You Said It!: Voices Against Grade Change

“I think American grading doing all the wrong right now. In my province, when you write good paper you get one pebble. If you save enough pebbles, you go to Andrei and trade in for brick. Who knows! Twenty, thirty years, maybe you build house. I almost have house!” -Andrzejek Kzrlsatkpjk ’16, international student from former Soviet Socialist Republic


I cannot stop the phrase from repeating in my mind. This is no longer my home.