At talk, Swensen encourages financial literacy

Seated below a portrait of himself in the Berkeley College Master’s House — also known as the Swensen House — David Swensen, Yale’s chief investment officer, spoke with National Public Radio correspondent Chris Arnold about the problems of the U.S. financial system.

YCC renames controversial “Fat Woads”

Following vocal student outcry, the Yale College Council has decided to change the name of its Wednesday Toad’s dance party from “Fat Woads” to “NOLA Woads.”

SOM class size remains constant despite spike in apps

Despite a rise in applications to the Yale School of Management Master of Business Administration program, its incoming class size will remain the same for the third year in a row.

U.S. schools earn less, spend more, study shows

While endowment returns at hundreds of U.S. colleges and universities declined last fiscal year, spending rates at those schools increased. At Yale, however, both endowment returns and spending remained steady.

HONY photographer talk draws over 1,000

Internationally renowned photographer Brandon Stanton spoke to a crowd of more than 1,000 in Battell Chapel Wednesday afternoon about his biographical photography career documenting the lives of New Yorkers — a project known as “Humans of New York” to his 16 million social media followers. Stanton’s passion for storytelling has led to international photography tours, major crowdfunding efforts and political activism.

Former UN official discusses refugee crisis

Before an audience of roughly 40 students and professors at the Morse College Master’s house, Thomas Alexander Aleinikoff LAW ’77 — former United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees — addressed a wide range of issues associated with the Syrian refugee crisis, expressing particular disappointment in the American response.

Under pressure, Salovey bypasses cabinet

In 2013, University President Peter Salovey created a cabinet of deans, vice presidents and the provost. After its inception, Salovey said the purpose of the body was to serve as a “feedback mechanism,” “a brainstorming mechanism” and “a way to help deans and vice presidents know what the other is doing and worrying about.”

Executive action to probe pay equity

The Obama administration proposed an executive action last week that would require companies with over 100 employees, including universities like Yale, to report to the federal government how much they pay their employees by race, gender and ethnicity.

Amanda Mei
International students face extra hurdles in job hunt

For Yale College’s international students, there is an additional challenge to securing their dream summer internships.

International students await tax refunds

International students across the country may have to wait a whole year before they receive refunds on their tax returns.

Yale-coordinated internship apps rise

With only a small percentage of open programs remaining, the Office of Career Strategy has already received more applications for this summer’s Yale-coordinated summer internships than it did in 2015.
