Swab to save. Today, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., individuals in the Yale athletics community will hold the Mandi Schwartz ’10 Marrow Donor Registration Drive at Commons. Passersby can have their cheeks swabbed to join the 4,538 potential donors from previous Yale drives on the Be The Match Registry.

Getting good vibes. Bringing together some of Yale’s finest professors from across the graduate and professional schools, InspiringYale takes place this evening in Evans Hall. Invited speakers — such as Robert Shiller and Amy Chua — have prepared uplifting messages for all to enjoy.

Inspired by Yale. In a piece for The New York Observer, author Joyce Maynard wrote fondly about a recent visit to campus and her own time as a Yale student, brief as it was. All these years later, Maynard said she has found both purpose and joy in helping young writers apply to colleges they, too, will grow fond of.

Hello, old friend. Ivy Noodle has risen from the dead, if under a new name: “Ivy Wok.” The Elm Street restaurant reopened after closing down earlier this semester — in the subsequent weeks, various notes on its doors promised a return, and it’s finally here. Now, all that remains to be seen is if “Wok” catches on.

Need some cash? Donna Dubinsky ’77, CEO and co-founder of Numenta, will be at the Yale Entrepreneurial Institute’s offices today to discuss the $10,000 Numenta Startup Prize — all it takes is a great big idea. Easy enough.

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