UNIVERSITY | JOSIE REICH Former faculty allege sexual harassment, racial discrimination in pre-lawsuit letter For decades, Yale leaders failed to respond to complaints about inappropriate faculty behavior in the electrical engineering department, a letter claims.
SCI-TECH ASUKA KODA “We’ll lose a generation of scientists”: Yale braces for Trump’s NIH grant suspension President Trump directed federal science agencies to cancel all scheduled meetings, effectively suspending NIH research grants.
UNIVERSITY HAILEY TALBERT International applications drop in first test-flexible admissions cycle International applications are down 26 percent compared with last cycle, and domestic applications are down 8 percent.
ARTS, UNIVERSITY KIVA BANK “Hungover” in Branford Courtyard: Ken Jeong encourages Yalies to find art in the everyday Ken Jeong shared advice on choosing between creative and conventional careers and spoke to a packed auditorium about his experience acting in “The Hangover” and “Community.”
ZACHARY SURI ANALYSIS: Decades of fiscal negligence shape debate over spending at state capitol, city hall
ZEYNA MALIK In Schwarzman collaboration, Yale Visual Artists “re-present” themselves with a look back at freshman year
GEMARD GUERY The Yale Undergraduate Jazz Collective’s 12th Annual Jazz Festival commences with the Bildstein Trio, to continue through Saturday