Shreyas Tirumala
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
TIRUMALA: Teaching 101

It’s almost finals season — a time when students like me begin to wonder whether or not binge-watching three seasons of Scrubs on Netflix was […]

TIRUMALA: Change minds, not statuses

It’s blindingly obvious from the tension on campus: Yale has a bit of a race problem. It’s been inspiring to see how campus has united […]

TIRUMALA: Big data is watching

On Tuesday, the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, which allows companies to more easily share metadata with the government in hopes of preventing cyberattacks. This information would largely be customer data. As Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., puts it, the bill is effectively a “direct pipeline to the NSA” for our personal information.

TIRUMALA: Where are you, Einstein?

I remember my role models being prominent academics and scholars — at least until I found out that was considered weird. It was more acceptable to look up to a businessman or athlete; almost nobody else around me cared about figures like Carl Sagan or Michio Kaku.

TIRUMALA: (Don’t) apply now

On Wednesday evening, Yale — along with 82 other universities – announced that it had joined the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success, a grand organization with the even grander goal of redesigning the college application system.

TIRUMALA: Drop the small talk

Not enough Yalies, myself included, are willing to just relax for a while.

TIRUMALA: Raise your hand

What’s behind our fear of three otherwise innocuous words?

TIRUMALA: Policy, not polls

So it seems we're left with Clinton.

TIRUMALA: A better answer

It’s difficult for anyone to understand what aspects of a school will affect his experience before he actually attends college.

TIRUMALA: Aid for all

It’s rare that the debate over a state law irks me enough to write an op-ed about it.

TIRUMALA: Theory in practice

We probably won’t need half the material we pick up in our classes ever again. What will be valuable, however, is the mindset that we’ve picked up.