Shreyas Tirumala
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
TIRUMALA: A binary joke

Yale’s computer science department has changed quite a bit since I arrived here in my first year. We’ve hired new professors and now offer more […]

TIRUMALA: In defense of hedgehogs

The class of 2021 — neophytes who might not have had the misfortune of gray-haired adults badgering them about their future plans at a dinner […]

TIRUMALA: Ward what?

Since coming to college, I’ve often wondered where I consider home. It’s tough to call it Los Angeles when I spend the vast majority of […]

TIRUMALA: How to get into Yale

If you think of college as merely a chance to gain academic knowledge, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Instead it’s a place to rub shoulders with people who have had vastly different life experiences and hopefully gain a new understanding about the world along the way

TIRUMALA: Mouth where the money is

Every year, someone writes a piece in the News condemning the Senior Class Gift, and this year has been no exception. This time,  even University […]

TIRUMALA: Welcome (back) to Yale

This past Friday, the first years apparently attended the annual freshman dance —or screw, as it was called for my class. Seeing their posts on […]

TIRUMALA: Gripes with Grapes

It’s hard to be a vegetarian at Yale. Menus change every day, and not always for the better. Two nights ago, my dinner consisted of […]

TIRUMALA: The kids are alright

The Yale bubble isn’t all bad, though. There’s something about seeing students running around with more responsibilities than we should have at our age—putting out fires that any reasonable adult would never have even started.

TIRUMALA: Advocate, not admonish

Much of the animus that political opinions engender seems to come from a lack of intellectual charity. Conor Friedersdorf of The Atlantic offers a good case study of this phenomenon. Bernie Sanders spoke in Boston just before Thanksgiving. While there, he answered a question from a woman who wanted tips for becoming the second Latina senator.

TIRUMALA: The fifth estate

If you’ve ever wondered how America got so polarized, look no further. Consider Yale students: After years of using a heuristic for analyzing news that basically amounts to “Fox News didn’t say it,” is it any wonder that conservatives on campus feel attacked?

TIRUMALA: All play and no work

This isn’t to say that Yalies don’t care about learning, of course. Many students, myself included, join clubs precisely because they present opportunities for intellectual development. But when the sole focus of campus culture is extracurricular involvement, there are consequences.