I hate going to Mr. Salovey’s office!

I hate it when I have to go to Mr. Salovey’s office! It is really lame. Every time it happens, he makes me feel real bad about myself.

Black river reclamations

This summer, working with the Forest Service in South Central Appalachia, I had several first-hand experiences with a river of death, as I talked to Southern Men in Southern Woods.

Weighing Anchor

Anchor Spa quietly reopened over the summer as a beautifully-renovated space, now owned and operated by Yalie and New York-based restaurateur Karl Franz Williams ’97.

Clinton and Bulldogs accomplish equally important feats

In a phenomenal turn of events, Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 and the Yale football team both triumphed in a historic two-week span for the University.

The Band Always Wins

A rivalry for the ages. Their ultimate showdown on Saturday. No, I’m not talking about football.

The Melting Pot Is a Sham

In 1908, “The Melting Pot: The Great American Dream,” written by Israel Zangwill, took the United States by storm. The play paints a picture of a utopian state; the lawns are bright suburban green, the skies are blue and everyone of different races and identities holds hands and sings kumbaya.

Yanna Lee
The Voice of My Generation

In 40 years, when I read the next generation of American history books, I want to see that millennials’ voting map at the top of the page about the 2016 election. I want my children and all the other children to study those results, and to know that my peers and I did not passively or willingly go into this presidency.

Yang family facts

I am my father’s daughter in more ways than one. I have his memory, which means that I never forget what’s in my biology textbook — but once I return from a trip, it’s like it never happened.

Amazing grace

Her presence is unassuming, save for her trademark red tresses, unmistakably auburn even in the blue light of the projector screen. Dressed minimally in an all-black ensemble and loafers, she moves comfortably across a room filled with keen admirers of her life and legacy.

Un-Cool Girl

You are a 14-year-old boy named Sam Larson. You have blonde, unkempt hair, green eyes and an affinity for graphic tee shirts from Target. You […]

Talk Dirty To Me (In Another Accent)

“I’m not attracted to the Singaporean accent,” she said. “No offence.” I asked her to elaborate. “I can’t explain it. It just doesn’t turn me […]
