Listening for Summer’s Hot, Dry Karaoke

Giggles germinate and grow like goose grass in between my synaptic gaps, neurons now a hunk of handicapped hash brown yap. Inside, I can’t think. […]


Her majesty the Windy City looms above the slabs of black and worn out brooms, whose bristles brush over the bric a brac strewn carelessly […]


She liked to scan her hands in the old machine and print out three copies of her left hand, three copies of her right. Usually […]

On s’entend bien

Dust from the Tuileries walks clings to my suede boots, but the small violet mark on my right breast has started to fade. I’ve watched […]

The Kenwood Party

  Make a right on the road with the prisons. Once you’ve reached the biker bar with the chickens in the parking lot, turn left. […]

The Oil Fire and the Ruby

A ghostly dancer screams in agonized silence, for no one hears him. The multitude streams from street to street, sidewalk to sidewalk. When they do […]


Valentin, can you take your hands off your ears and see how the nice ladies are making you a swimming pool? Tired caretaker. Her charge […]

Lake Shore Drive

Hey Hannah (Mackenzie), remember me? We met on a Friday, around Irving, Playing kings. You said you wrote poetry. Between the blue lights down grove […]

Because nothing runs faster than it falls

A Poem by Steven Garza


Poem by Mari Oye

Cazionere 164

Poem by Mackenzie Rivers