POEM: Punitive Psychiatry

You stayed the swelling flesh around the ignored gaping wound were gifted the bitterest of blames   for your own suffering and never pardoned for the […]

POEM: After Kezia Stiles

  At age eleven, Ezra calculated the age of the world by summing the years before and since the Flood. Its high-water mark fell above […]

POEM: Seaplane

What’s that thing they say about insanity? Flying the same route over and over In a seaplane that crash-lands on the coast?  The vehicle conceals […]

POEM: House with Burning Clapboards

after Lois Dodd

POEM: The Mooring

[after Louise Gluck’s “Grandmother in the Garden”]   The dirt below your tomb has bloomed  with earthworms, and the sun still keeps time in lines […]

POEM: Our Rituals Were Not

By Hudson Warm I. Your Room is a River   & along the red riverbed I find myself & you, resting. The day’s toils flock […]

POEM: Drift

POEM: Little Green Peaches

I missed you while you were beside me / and the feeling filled me like a gas, ballooning / me into a mascot of myself.

POETRY: Breakfast at Savta’s

There was a time / I loved to watch your hands / setting in against the stubborn pan.

A Hunter’s Eulogy for Coyote

He invited us/the hunting dog and me/into the parlor. The old dog/streaked with grey like Coyote/cracked stale tea cookie/against his molars/Crumbs littered a fray-edged rug while/Coyote brewed peppermint tea.


Yesterday, I found a dead sparrow with/no legs, stump body left on Whitney street.