Why are blue books blue?

I tried to write my first draft of this column in an actual blue book. I had hoped the nervous adrenaline that keeps my fingers […]

A Day in the Life of a CA

Yale Computing Assistants: the title conjures up images of a small and elite group of super-students who materialize from the nether regions of the Internet […]

Only You Can Prevent Humiliation

There are two inherent design flaws in a Smokey the Bear costume. First, the eyes are in the snout, severely limiting one’s vision. Second, there […]

Undecided? Vote the hemline, not the party line

If you’re wondering about this autumn’s fashion trends and how best to follow them, you need not look any farther than the upcoming presidential election. […]

The key to a successful democracy: crowbars

Once upon a time, in the very state in which we now reside, it was a very blustery day. Or at least I think it […]

Think you’ve tasted the truly toxic? Eat this, Britney

Food poisoning takes what, an hour to kick in? Maybe 30 minutes? Ten? But what happened to me this summer wasn’t food poisoning. It was […]

Campus politics found between the lines

Last spring, I had the chance to visit my brother, Danny, at school in Iowa, where he studies some combination of biochemistry and music. Aside […]

A glimpse of politics beyond the polls

As I sat around trying to generate theme ideas for the last Magazine I would oversee at the News, I wracked my brains for a […]

These are a few of my least favorite things

There’s fashion, and then there’s fashion at Yale. Yeah — you know what I mean. And for those of you who don’t, let me paint […]

How I learned to love New Haven, even though it’s about to freeze my butt off

PARADISE LOST Or, a Column in the Style of Poetry of Centuries Late and of Poets Unsung to Expound and Equivocate Upon a Topic of […]

Forget Yahoo! ‘Do you GQ?’ is the real question

Having written about fall fashion trends for women and how absolutely essential perfume is in any wardrobe, I thought it was high time that I […]