Frat crawls, fall break in New York and failed long-distance love: Yale’s first-year cliches

Something magical happens at Yale with the arrival of a new class. Remarkably, every first year recreates a set of unwritten traditions that have been […]

First year, first love

“Are you sure this is the right place?”  I stare up at entryway B of Vanderbilt Hall on Old Campus, skeptical. The air has the […]

The Yale survival guide — no, not that one

Class of 2027, welcome! You are probably hearing this word everywhere, from your eager FroCos and blown-up blue and white banners alike. You all have […]

First-Year sweeties

I think everyone remembers their first night after move-in, unsure of whether to run around old campus with those new friends from your froco group (but you’re so tired), toss and turn in your twin XL bed (can’t sleep), or knock on your suitemate’s door (they seem really nice!). At least that’s how it went for me.

assorted items in college dorm