Hala El Solh
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
EL SOLH: Imposter to insider

When I first started Yale, I — like many others — had doubts that I truly belonged. I remember the exercises with my first-year counselors during […]

EL SOLH: Invincible

Many of us, myself included, sit in our childhood bedrooms at home. Maybe we share them. Maybe we have since moved. Maybe we thought we […]

EL SOLH: Capable of closure

The pain comes in waves. I hear “Come On Eileen” and remember all the times we drunkenly sang along, and how we will never do […]

EL SOLH: Resisting loneliness

If you ever want to feel wholly insignificant, just stand in the “departures” part of an airport, especially one in a country where you don’t […]

EL SOLH: Roaring twenties?

There is something so glamorous about our 20s. Supposedly, that’s when we’re in the best shape. Our 20s are some of the best years of […]

EL SOLH: How to consult consultants

I’ve avoided writing on consulting because I’ve heard about, argued about and read about the subject ad nauseum. Hating on consulting is as ubiquitous at […]

Anasthasia Shilov
EL SOLH: Struck by sonder

As we walked to the farmers’ market, right before the weather became chilly in October, my friend and I laughed and reminisced about a seminar […]

EL SOLH: Products of our past

Every time I reflect on Yale, I think to myself, “I wish I could do it all over.” As I write papers for different classes, […]

EL SOLH: No more free passes

As a sophomore, I was immensely frustrated with what I called “the empathy gap” at Yale. I wrote a piece detailing the lack of empathy […]

EL SOLH: Battling the bias

For the last few days, my WhatsApp family group chat has been constantly pinging. My relatives sent various videos from protests across the ocean in […]

EL SOLH: A degree of humility

I was eating in my home dining hall and a timid first year sat with me and my friend, asking what year we were and […]