On Thursday and Friday, students in Yale College will vote for their next student government representatives. The News has historically endorsed candidates for three schoolwide positions — president, vice president and events director — in pieces known as News’ Views, authored by the News’ entire managing board.
This year, we replaced the News’ View process with our inaugural editorial board, a group of 16 students from across Yale led by the News’ editor-in-chief and opinion editors. While the editorial board would ordinarily make endorsements in YCC elections, we have chosen not to do so this year because one of the candidates for YCC president, Joaquín Lara Midkiff ’23, is a member of the board. Additionally, given that the two vice presidential candidates are running on tickets with presidential candidates and that the events director position is uncontested, we have chosen not to make endorsements in these races.
The YCC is one among many avenues for student-led change at Yale, made unique by its access to the Yale administration. We encourage all students to participate in this year’s elections to ensure that their views are represented as the University navigates an upcoming year of sweeping transition.
The News recently published Q&As with the five candidates for schoolwide office: Joaquín Lara Midkiff ’23, Bayan Galal ’23, Jordi Bertrán Ramírez ’24, Zoe Hsu ’24 and Diba Ghaed ’24. Candidates for president and vice president participated in a debate on Monday, which you can read about here. Also up for election are sophomore and junior class council and residential college positions.
Voting opens at 9 a.m. on Thursday, April 29, and closes at 9 p.m. on Friday, April 30. You can vote here.