In memoriam. Computers in the new Apple Store featured pictures of Steve Jobs on their backgrounds in honor of the company’s founder, who died on Wednesday at the age of 56. White flowers were left at the store’s doors late in the evening, and an envelope was taped to the door with “Rest in Peace, Steve” scrawled across it.

University President Richard Levin took questions from community members in Battell Chapel Wednesday morning at the first of four town hall meetings scheduled for the academic year. He expressed concern that another economic downturn could hurt Yale’s financial situation, and reiterated his claim that a “massive fiscal stimulus” is the only solution to the current economic instability.

Halloween’s creeping around the corner. Two security guards in Bass Library got in the spirit by putting a bucket of candy out for students at the library’s entrance near Thain Family Café.

Get well soon! Eli, the Yale Police Department’s bomb-sniffing dog, is sick and is preparing for surgery for an ear infection, Yale police officer Charlie Hebron said.

Not quite Iron Chef. The Yale College Council sent an email to the school Wednesday asking students to vote for their favorite dinner items. The dishes with the most votes will be served for dinner Oct. 27.

The Perks of Being in GS. Students in the famed Grand Strategy seminar learned in an email that they will have special access to a tailor from Bangkok next Friday, because, as the email’s sender wrote, “once you have a custom suit, it’s really hard to go back.”

Beer before Wall Street. David Swensen, the University’s Chief Investments Officer, most highly paid official and “expert on fine beer,” will host two dozen Saybrook students next Tuesday for the college’s first “Beer Tasting Event,” according to a Wednesday email from Ann Marie Apicella, Saybrook’s operations manager.

Leaders of the future? Five Yale students and alumni will be interning at the White House this fall, according to a Tuesday press release from the office of President Barack Obama. Only one student, Jordan Schneider ’13, has yet to graduate.

Old Yale goes digital. The Yale Club of London now has a Twitter feed, @YaleClubLondon. The account has six followers.


1964 More than half of the members of the class of 1966 who intended to major in the sciences switched out, according to the registrar.