End sexual harassment in academia, Yale profs say

Two comparative literature professors wrote an op-ed in Friday’s Washington Post that underlines the importance of ending sexual harassment in institutions of higher education.

After Fall Survey, YCC plans reforms

The Yale College Council sent out its annual fall survey in early November to gather student opinion about possible reforms to work toward in the […]

Tax bill could hurt Yale fundraising

Senate Republicans passed a comprehensive tax bill this past weekend, fulfilling their promise to do so by the end of the week. The Republicans added […]

Surbhi Bharadwaj
Alumni help pay Montague’s legal fees

Unidentified Yale alumni are helping cover the legal costs of Jack Montague as he attempts to undo his expulsion through a lawsuit against the University.

Vincent Scully ’40 GRD ’49, dies at 97

Beloved Yale professor and influential architectural historian Vincent Scully ’40 GRD ’49 died Thursday night at his home in Lynchburg, Virginia. He was 97 years old.

Law clinic helps block Trump order

A federal judge in California on Nov. 20 permanently blocked the Trump administration’s attempt to deny federal funding to sanctuary cities. The injunction comes in part as a result of a Yale Law School clinic’s work with the San Francisco City Attorney’s office.

YCC ’13-’14 involved in new Khan allegations

Miller’s post recounting her experiences during the 2014 YCC election has raised additional questions about Khan’s history of harassment at Yale before Halloween 2015 and prompted the current YCC administration to consider new policies for evaluating accusations of misconduct against council members and candidates.

YPU hosts mayor of Jerusalem

“Do me a favor,” said Nir Barkat, mayor of Jerusalem, before a crowd of about 70. “Only tough questions.” The Yale Political Union hosted Barkat […]

Tax bill prompts ire

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, Sarah Arveson GRD ’21, a member of the graduate student union Local 33, argued that the University — not […]

Yale prof finds body cameras have little effect

Do body cameras actually change a police officer’s behavior while on duty? Yale political science professor Alexander Coppock addressed this question and discussed his research […]

Gender activist challenges Western Wall policies

Every year, millions of people from around the world travel to Jerusalem’s Western Wall to pray at one of Judaism’s most sacred sites. When they […]
