Midterm feedback tool off to a slow start

The Yale Center for Teaching and Learning implemented a new tool on Canvas last month to allow students to provide anonymous feedback to their professors […]

West Campus thrives ten years later

In 2007, a Bayer Pharmaceuticals research facility was hard at work manufacturing penicillin and Alka-Seltzer, two of the most commonly available drugs in the world, […]

Yale Politics Initiative speakers include Spicer, Priebus

The Yale Politics Initiative’s second annual preliminary speaker list features practitioners such as former president of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards, former White House Press Secretary […]

Yale celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Day

This weekend, many Yale community members and New Haven residents danced, ate, and sung in a celebration of Native American heritage.

University silent on new Khan allegations

Despite some students’ growing concerns about the threats Saifullah Khan’s ’19 presence poses to their safety on campus, it remains unclear whether the new allegation will have any impact on his standing at Yale.

Sororities grapple with misconduct allegations

While fraternities have spent the last year publicly struggling with how to adjudicate incidents of misconduct, sororities have quietly been fighting their own battles.

Friedman and Kerry ’66 Talk Democracy, Trump

The major concern of New York Times Columnist Thomas Friedman about America is that “we have a President without shame, backed by a party without […]

Law School organizers reflect, plan post-Kavanaugh

Following the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh ’87 LAW ’90 to the United States Supreme Court amid strong backlash from Yale Law School students, student organizers […]

World Fellow discusses media and corruption

At a lecture in Luce Hall on Monday, Pilar Velasco — a journalist who spent her career investigating corruption in the Spanish government — discussed […]

Kirchick ’06 fails to get on the alumni fellow ballot

James Kirchick ’06 announced Monday that he failed to gather the required number of signatures to enter the alumni fellow election.

Yale economist William Nordhaus awarded Nobel Prize for Economic Science

On Monday, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Yale Sterling Professor of Economics William D. Nordhaus ’63 the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science.