From Horchow Hall to Sub-Saharan Africa: The Jackson Institute’s global and growing reach

A recent successful event demonstrates the international reach of the Jackson Institute, which is looking only to expand as it transitions to a graduate school.

UP CLOSE | The administrative tightrope: Inclusion, tradition and discourse at Yale

In October 2020, the University launched its belonging initiatives with an aim to increase diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging at Yale. Several months later, Yalies have mixed opinions on their staying power.

Jackson Institute hosts final ‘Kurds in the Middle East’ event

American Middle East experts discussed the future of American foreign policy in the region, particularly regarding the Kurdish people.

The sign on the front of Horchow Hall
YLS veterans clinic finalizes court victory

The Veterans Legal Services Clinic received federal court approval last week for their settlement securing discharge status reviews for post-9/11 veterans.

{W}holy Queer meeting group marks the intersection of faith and sexuality

{W}holy Queer are meetings where undergraduate, graduate and professional students at Yale gather to discuss the intersection between their queer and religious identities.

All Ivy League student body presidents sign resolution calling for fossil fuel divestment

On April 22, all eight Ivy League student body presidents signed a joint resolution calling on Ivy League institutions to cut all financial ties with fossil fuel companies.

Undergraduate student launches websites to help students form study groups

STUDYUP launched Thursday to link classmates despite stumbles in advertising.

UP CLOSE | A look inside Yale’s community college transfer process

As Yale emphasizes its commitment to accepting community college transfers, student interviews reveal an often difficult transition period — especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

14 Yale faculty recently elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

On April 22, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences announced the election of 252 new members, 14 of whom are Yale faculty.

A collage of all 14 professors named to the Academy.
Celebrating Asian communities

To mark the beginning of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, this special issue of the News celebrates Asian communities at Yale and in New Haven. In this issue, you can find reported pieces, columns, essays, illustrations and videos.

Students gather at the AACC after its opening.
Asian American students, faculty members reflect on rise of hate crimes

The past year has seen immeasurable suffering for many communities across the country. The pandemic has brought on a particularly heightened sense of fear in […]