NEWS’ VIEW: The road ahead

Today’s paper marks the first of many created under the leadership of the 140th Managing Board of the Yale Daily News. We are humbled and […]

NEWS’ VIEW: Growing with Yale

This has been a momentous year — for our country, for our school, for journalism. Two new residential colleges opened at Yale and another was […]

NEWS’ VIEW: Following through

For those of you who don’t often venture up Science Hill, it can feel easy to ignore the two new buildings sprawling along Prospect Street. […]

NEWS’ VIEW: For a transparent Yale Corp. election

But on Monday, University President Peter Salovey’s team met with members of the News in Woodbridge Hall to relay that they had intervened and that the endorsement interviews would be cancelled. They said the best way to hold a fair election was to release only one-page biographies of each candidate. We disagree. To us, such heavy-handed control of public information isn’t just unfair. It’s counter to what Yale stands for.

Editor’s Note: Our voice in the Yale Corporation election

Each year, Yale graduates elect a new alumni fellow to serve on the Yale Corporation. Students are uninvolved in voting, which began on April 7 […]

NEWS’ VIEW: Guido ’19 for YCC president

Some endorsements are hard. This year’s choice for YCC president is not. For his thoughtful policy proposals, deep knowledge of the University and commitment to […]

NEWS’ VIEW: GIRARD ’19, BLEUEL ’19 for uncontested positions

Nick Girard ’19 and Tyler Bleuel ’19 are running unopposed for Yale College Council vice president and events director. As we at the News have […]

NEWS’ VIEW: Does the YCC matter?

The YCC has slipped into irrelevance, and few students seem to think leading it is worth their time. Many perceive the YCC to be an organization that does little more than campaign, form task forces and distribute surveys. This lack of visible impact and broader engagement reflects deep structural problems with our student government.

NEWS’ VIEW: Making history, with Grace

As of today, the college on the corner of Elm and College streets will, officially, be Formerly Known as Calhoun. Hopper College will take its place, named for the pioneering computer scientist and groundbreaking military leader Grace Hopper GRD ’34.

NEWS’ VIEW: Just the beginning

We at the News join our community in condemning this ban on citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries and all refugees, and we stand in solidarity with those it has affected. Trump’s directive is an affront to American values and to principles we as Yalies hold dear.

NEWS’ VIEW: The News welcomes its newest staffers

It is with great pleasure that we welcome the following new staffers to the Yale Daily News.