Shopping reveals flaws in distribution areas

I’ve never begun a column before by quoting old English poetry, and I may never do it again, so stay with me for a moment: […]

Good government means protecting kids

As the debate heats up in Washington over the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (commonly known as S-CHIP), one statistic has been […]

Despite popular belief, eating alone is OK

Freshman orientation lectures are like macaroni and cheese in the dining hall. They are hard to do well, but harder to do horribly. They leave […]

Landscapes embody greatness of America

I’ve written before about how sweet I think America is. (In case you forgot: totally sweet.) And I mostly attributed said sweetness to our nation’s […]

Artist’s Alley

(comic strip) [ydn-legacy-photo-inline id=”13722″ ]

Strategic ‘toolishness’ doesn’t suit Levin

I don’t usually have a problem with nouns used as verbs, but I never want to hear the word “networking” again. In Washington, D.C., where […]

Build true community through conversations

To describe Yale to the incoming class, I am inclined to use my favorite quotation by Yale historian George Pierson: “Yale is at once a […]

Artist’s Alley

Click to enlarge text. [ydn-legacy-photo-inline id=”13751″ ]

Yale doesn’t do Chinese language justice

The Chinese language must be considered among the greatest creations of mankind. Too few Yalies will appreciate this while fulfilling their language requirement. Sure, one […]

Cure the world: Choose public health

The beginning of a new school year is a time for choices. We choose our classes, our activities, and even the arrangement of that dorm […]

Overplanning Yale years can spoil them

The first month of freshman fall gives an awfully skewed view of college. One of college’s sweetest joys is that no matter what challenges come […]