A novel idea: parents as real-life heroes

The Booker Prize is, in theory, the leading award for fiction in the English language by writers outside America. The novelist Tibor Fischer, short-listed in […]

Want Kerry in Oval Office? Get moving

The most important election of our lifetimes is no longer in the hands of the candidates. Barring the capture of bin Laden, or Kerry hitting […]

Only Bush gets the point on dealing with N. Korea

he first presidential debate highlighted the enormous divergence between Sen. John Kerry’s and President George Bush’s positions on North Korea. Although the dissimilarity might seem […]

Duelfer proves it: Bush justified in Iraq

Howard Dean must have been ecstatic as he read the headlines on Oct. 7: “Report Discounts Iraqi Arms Threat” affirmed the Washington Post, while The […]

Far from marginalizing, queer theory all-inclusive

How can you effectively critique an entire academic discipline without ever having taken a class in the field? If all you know about a given […]

Cartoon: How could nearly half the country want to vote for that guy?

[ydn-legacy-photo-inline id=”17221″ ]

If U.S. doesn’t go nuclear, power will go out

Nuclear power is the regrettable third rail of American energy policy. The environmental lobby has knee-jerk concerns about waste and pollution, the dirty power lobby […]

Offering lumber can’t save Bush

I watched the debate last Friday with a few friends. We took a shot every time President Bush said his job was “hard work” and […]

Dropping names can’t save Kerry

Despite problems with subject-verb agreement and a longing to give “some wood” to moderator Charlie Gibson, George Bush came out for Friday’s debate prepared, relaxed […]

When talking troops, don’t slight Romania

During last week’s debate, Sen. John Kerry forgot to mention Poland as one of America’s strongest allies in the Iraq war. I would give Kerry […]

Can Kerry’s reality match Bush’s rhetoric?

Despite John Kerry’s respectable performance in the first presidential debate, there was still this nagging doubt that for all his intellectual superiority, his nuance and […]