SNOW: Foreign aid, American values

USAID is not just a symbol of American generosity; it’s a critical tool for advancing our national interests.

LETTER 2.11: Root on the Elis

Go Yale Men's Basketball!

CLIFTON: Can the real JD Vance please stand up?

What is most shameful is not Vice President Vance’s successful exploitation of my home and my university — rather, it is what he has done with the acclaim.

DAM: Date organic

I get the draw of Hinge, Tinder and the rest: the dopamine rush is real, and it’s so tempting to think an algorithm can spit out our perfect match. But maybe what we crave isn’t more matches — it’s more meaningful connections. Maybe the path to “the one” isn’t about refining our filters, but about being better friends, neighbors and classmates to each other.

BROWNSTEIN: Street fightin’ science

As a young scientist, I am pretty angry right now. I am angry about how ignorance is going to preclude our scientific community from doing the work we love. I am furious about all the progress that will not be made, all the knowledge that we will not grasp and all the lives that we will not be able to save or better. 

MOHAN: On “chillin”

Ramaswamy is right in saying that our culture should assign significant importance to academics. But he wholly misses why interpersonal abilities are so valued in American culture.

SUSSMAN: For Country

We’re not some global university that exists in a bubble where it’s utopia. We serve the United States.” In short, we are for Country. Let us strive that ever we may let these words our watch-cry be.

BARISH: Better political conversations are possible, if we know how

In most political conversations, dialogue is only a first step — a necessary but not sufficient condition for coming closer together. The issues we care about have profound consequences for our lives, so we still need to argue and debate about them. We need to challenge our opponents, to point out facts they are not aware of and reasons — for or against — they have not thought of. But, in politics, as in families, it matters how we argue.  

MARKOWITZ: A doctor’s orders: Connecticut needs a child tax credit

As a pediatrician, my commitment is to the health and well-being of my patients. A child tax credit is a proven strategy to improve the lives of children and families — and it’s time for Connecticut to take action.

BURTE NADKARNI: Bubble trouble

To me, the beloved Mumbai streets seemed noisy, a sound I tried to drown out with the handy noise-canceling feature of my AirPods. But if you really zoom in and focus, each person sings their own tune. And each tune is worth knowing.

MEYERS: A serious response to racial idiocy

I suppose I am shocked that collegians, including Yalies, were shocked and maddened to hear a speaker at Yale's Political Union on the topic of free speech use the word “n****r.”