YTV | Divestment protesters hold sit-in on Beinecke Plaza, University takes down pop-up bookshelf

The bookshelf, erected by pro-Palestine protesters, stood on the steps to Schwarzman Center from around noon to 1 p.m. before being disassembled by facilities workers as students chanted in support of Palestine.

Students hold vigil for Palestine on Beinecke Plaza, forced to disperse under threat of police citation

A group of around 50 protesters was forced to disperse a Monday night pro-Palestinian demonstration on Beinecke Plaza under threat of police citation by Yale administrators, who declined to provide a reason or cite a policy for the intervention.

Administrators fail to clearly explain policy behind forced removal of protester-installed bookshelves

Pro-Palestine protesters erected a wooden bookshelf structure on Monday afternoon on Beinecke Plaza as part of a “Books not bombs” protest. Just over an hour in, University staff began dismantling the fixture based on administrator guidance — but after back and forth with the News, administrators have yet to clarify the University regulation that forbids the structure’s placement.

Yale faculty members weigh in on hunger strike as administration stays silent

Professors expressed concern for hunger strikers’ health while affirming their right to peaceful protest.

Students continue hunger strike to demand University divestment from weapons manufacturing

As protesters concluded the fifth day of their hunger strike on Wednesday, they moved their tent from Cross Campus to Beinecke Plaza.