The Yale Daily News
NEWS’ VIEW: For Yale football

Fast forward now to 2016 and Team 144, an injury-riddled, 2–7 Yale squad sporting a third-string quarterback before a largely disillusioned and often-disrobed student body.

Harvard dominates Yale in 132nd Game

Outplayed for all but the first four minutes in its final game of 2015, Yale suffered a 38–19 loss to Harvard on Nov. 21 in a contest that was nothing like the thriller finish from a year before. The loss marked the Elis’ ninth-consecutive defeat in The Game — now the longest streak ever in the 132-game series.

The Game 2016

Tommy Atlee ’20 and Eric Benninghoff ’20 interview Yalies about the upcoming Yale-Harvard 2016 game.

Your Yale Week: Nov. 18, 2016

Your Yale Week: Nov. 18, 2016 hosted by Nicole Daly ’16. New college heads host first info session: Elm City protests TD Bank over […]

Yale #SanctuaryCampus Walkout

On Nov. 16, students gathered on Cross Campus for the #SanctuaryCampus Walkout. Video produced and edited by Julie Kim ’19.

50 People 1 Question: Yale Edition

Joe Kim ’20 and Michelle Li ’20 asked 50 people: If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself the night before […]

LETTER: 11.14.16

Unsurprisingly, the opinion page of the News was filled with reflections on the outcome of the presidential election. I initially enjoyed reading the different perspectives and mature reflections, but soon realized that they were all making the same argument, collectively presenting the Trump vote as a justifiable reaction by a struggling middle class to a condescending, incompetent elite.

LETTER: 11.10.16

Conservative fears are rooted in hypocritical leftist-liberal intolerance and a concomitant lack of commitment to diversity, as opposed to the victim complex that Massie suggests.

THROUGH THE LENS | Trump victory in New York City

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton '73, receiving 279 electoral votes to Clinton's 228. Clinton, however, won the popular vote.

Perspectives: Election 2016

YDN reporters on the scene. Video by Jon Greenberg ’19 and Amy Cheng ’19.

Myles Odermann ’19 talks Trump victory coverage

Tommy Atlee ’20 interviews Myles Odermann ’19 about Trump 2016 election day coverage.