Rohan Naik
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
NAIK: For solidarity and action

We must remember that our country is much more than a few elected officials. It is people like Paramjit and her son, DRUM organizers and those struggling every day to survive. And it is for them that we must fight.

WKND at the Open

Our day started on Court 5. One of the outer courts, it usually attracts some lesser-known players, but its value lies in how close you get to the action.

new friends, new culture, new haven

When Nadya Stryuk ’17 stepped off the plane at JFK on a sweltering day in mid-August before her freshman year, she had one major concern: […]

Identity politics meets comedy: a new comedian takes center stage

Nicknamed “America’s Funniest Muslim” by CNN, Azhar Usman has attracted attention and praise for his work as a comedian. Yesterday, he spoke with WKND about […]


WKND chatted with the United Arab Emirates’ Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Ali al Nuaimi. Known as the “Green Sheikh” for his work in sustainability, al Nuaimi shared his journey from the oil fields to the world of environmentalism.

The Name Game: Alumni pick sides in the naming debate at Yale

As the construction of two yet-unnamed residential colleges nears completion, and as students advocate for a University that better embraces diversity, the question is: Who gets to play the Name Game, and where do alumni fall?

CT standardized tests to get shorter

After the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium exam became fully computerized, Connecticut schoolchildren will spend less time test-taking and more time learning.

NAIK: A New Sense of Bliss

In his 1897 travel novel “Following the Equator,” Mark Twain remarked, “[Varanasi] is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend and looks […]

Wigging out in “hello, world!”

“It looks like two women fighting, don’t you think?” This stranger and I looking at “Blonde Embrace” — on display at Artspace’s latest exhibition, “hello, […]

Making the effort

In September of her sophomore year, Yamile Lozano ’17 received a letter threatening her with forced withdrawal from Yale College. After some initial panic, Lozano […]

NAIK: Wholly Guacamole

Advertisements in the early 20th century referred to the avocado as the “aristocrat of salad fruits,” and while the saying isn’t common today, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who disagrees. Who doesn’t love a ripe avocado? Even harder to find is someone who doesn’t love the avocado’s most celebrated offspring … guacamole.
