Mrinal Kumar
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
KUMAR: Underpaid & overstaffed

Last month, the House of Representatives passed a bill that could potentially quadruple the tax burden on graduate students. The response from students has been […]

KUMAR: An untreated rash

Yesterday, the Housing Not Jails march saw a hundred strong take the streets of New Haven. Chanting “Tax Yale, housing not jail” and “If we […]

KUMAR: The purpose of the page

What is the purpose of an opinion column? “To bear witness and provoke thought,” claims Llewellyn King, PBS host and nationally-syndicated columnist. “To offer an […]

KUMAR: Profits and progress

There is no good way to put it: The current system of scientific publication actively impedes the growth of science. As Yale sets out to […]

KUMAR: The criminalization of homelessness

Yale University has no official stance on panhandling. I’m glad this is the case — an institutional pressure to give (or not give) would undermine the value of the dollar we donate. We must recognize, however, that choosing not to help panhandlers neither equates to nor justifies discriminating against them. Don’t fall for the mayor’s rhetoric — erecting parking meters and tearing down encampments are just the latest steps backwards in the battle against homelessness.

KUMAR: Not all fun and games

On the morning of March 22, freelance video producer Rob Montz released a twelve-minute mini-documentary, “Silence U Part 2: What Has Yale Become?” The video […]

KUMAR: Science and responsibility

The anti-vaccination movement received a shot in the arm last month when a study out of the Yale School of Medicine drew a link between […]

KUMAR: Activism for the right reasons

Activism, especially at Yale, exists in a sort of impregnable space. You can’t critique the motives of an activist, because by nature, they must be […]

KUMAR: The silence on Pogge

At 3:56 p.m. on May 20, 2016, Katie J.M. Baker of BuzzFeed News released an investigative story with a staggering byline: “Thomas Pogge, one of […]

KUMAR: The Trump condescension

You have friends who voted differently than you who are too scared to speak about it right now. Discuss with them. Debate them. But first, include them. They need your support right now as much as everyone else on campus.

KUMAR: Doggone it

It feels like the end of an era — Handsome Dan was a reassuring presence on campus, an encouraging sight on the sideline of football games, the first thing we saw when most of us opened our online admissions to Yale.