Monica Wang
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
Increased interest in rushing SAE

Despite igniting national headlines for alleged racism last fall, Yale’s chapter of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity attracted more potential members this rush season than it did the year before.

Students propose multiracial peer liaison program

When Chandler Gregoire ’17 stepped onto Yale’s campus as a freshman more than three years ago, she was assigned two peer liaisons: one from the Afro-American Cultural Center and the other from the Asian American Cultural Center.

Mao continues to fight for reinstatement

The SOM administration stands firm in its decision to dismiss Grant Mao, even in the face of his potential deportation.

Anti-discrimination website launched

Administrators have launched a new website detailing the resources available for students responding to cases of discrimination and harassment on campus.

University announces new website for tracking student discrimination and harassment

Administrators have launched a new website detailing the resources available for students responding to discrimination and harassment on campus.

Secret societies: tombs or vaults?

With locked doors, slim windows and shut gates, secret societies at Yale do their best to keep out of the public eye, though their tax information is hidden in plain sight.

Peer liaison program to evolve

Last semester, students and administrators alike were confronted with questions about the roles that authority figures should play in student life on campus — such […]

Mental health reforms look beyond cultural centers

Following weeks of student demonstrations last semester calling for an improved campus racial climate, students and administrators alike have paid increased attention to updating and improving Yale’s mental health resources for students of color.

Genecin details MH&C updates

“An atmosphere of inclusion and the appreciation of diversity are core values in Mental Health & Counseling,” Genecin wrote.

For dean of student affairs, a familiar face

“It’s obvious to everyone that we are in an era of profound change in Yale College,” Yale College Dean Jonathan Holloway told the News.

Yale SigEp settles tailgate lawsuit

The national Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, its local Yale chapter and more than 80 of its former members have settled lawsuits over a fatal collision at the 2011 Harvard-Yale tailgate that left one dead and two others injured, more than three years after the first suit was filed.