Miranda Wollen
Staff Reporter
Miranda Wollen is the University Editor for the News; she also writes very silly pieces for the WKND section. She previous covered Faculty and Academics, and she is a junior in Silliman College double-majoring in English and Classics.
Author Archive
boygenius is back. Here’s why you should care.

Jan. 18 was a huge day for the subset of Yalies who: a) are platform-Doc Marten wearers b) are people with radio shows and/or c) […]

Pierson Head of College Stephen Davis to step down after 10 years

The Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies will step down from his role as the head of Pierson College in the coming spring after a decade-long tenure in the position.

Laurie Santos launches new course aimed at teen well-being

After the enormous success of her original online psychology course and the announcement of her retirement as Silliman’s Head of College, Santos hopes to engage a new audience: middle and high schoolers.

PROFILE: Sarah Tishkoff, the geneticist leading a historic genetic variation study

Sarah Tishkoff, a 2022 Wilbur Cross recipient and award-winning geneticist, sat down for an interview with the News about the human genome, ethical population research and rollerblading.

Blurbs: New Year’s Resolutions

I’ve never been a New Year’s Resolution type of gal. It’s just not for me — picking some aspect of my life that I want […]

Ramsay MacMullen, Emeritus professor of history and classics, dies at 94

One of the most prominent Roman historians of the past century and an avid hiker, Professor Ramsay Macmullen is remembered for his inexhaustible knowledge and his prolific writings.

The strengths — and pitfalls — of Yale College advising

The News spoke to eight students and faculty members about how college and major advisers work across Yale College

The Pete Davidson Effect

With his gangly arms and dark undereye bags, Pete Davidson looks like he’s spent too much time at computer science office hours. He also bagged […]

GPSS passes resolution supporting Iranian protesters

On Dec. 1, the Graduate & Professional Student Senate passed a resolution condemning Iranian government violence in the face of civil protest. The statement was passed in solidarity with MENA, PSA and YCC.

Grad students head to the polls today and tomorrow. What would a recognized union look like?

Yale’s graduate and professional student workers will vote in a federal unionization process this week, with results expected in January.

PROFILE: Philip Ewell ’01, the cellist shaping music theory’s racial reckoning

Dr. Philip Ewell, a 2022 Wilbur Cross recipient and music theorist, sat down with the News to discuss his boundary-breaking career since Yale, white supremacy and Phish.