Nearly 100 Yalies joined the Yale Daily News over the last semester. They reported on faculty research and new grants, photographed campus and city protests, covered a full election season in New Haven and painstakingly laid out pages in InDesign for the weekly print edition of the News. Today, they begin producing content as staffers for the Oldest College Daily.

More than 30 staff members will join the University, City, SciTech, Sports and Arts desks as associate beat reporters, delivering weekly stories on specific areas ranging from criminal justice to sustainability. Three new reporters will cover Yale’s athletes on the sports desk. More than 20 will contribute creative writing, long-form journalism and commentary to either WKND, the News’ Friday supplement, or the News’ magazine. Dozens more join the News’ multimedia and production desks as staff photographers, copy editors, illustrators, videographers, podcasters and members of the production and design team. 

You’ll begin seeing our newest staffers’ work on our website and in print starting this week. We’re thrilled to welcome this group to our newsroom.

Emily Aikens
Elba Heddesheimer
Hudson Warm
Connor Arakaki
Nora Moses
Chris Tillen
Landon Bishop
Karla Cortes
Hailey Talbert
Josie Reich
Andre Fa’aoso
Ada Perlman
Yolanda Wang

Maia Nehme
Lily Belle Poling
Ariela Lopez
Kenisha Mahajan
Ethan Wolin
Zachary Suri
Agomoni Saha
Gryffin Wilkens-Plumley
Jake Siesel
Olha Yarynich
Tyson Odermann

Erin Hu
Asuka Koda
Rowan Cain

Luciana Varkevisser
Daniel Wang
Kamini Purushothaman
Cody Skinner
Rowan Cain

Tommy Gannon
Kate Estevez
Meredith Henderson

Maria Jose Cestero
Laura Wagner
Kristen Kim
Ali Otuzoglu
Faith Duncan
Sebastian Ward

Emily Aikens
Alexander Medel
Elba Heddesheimer
Nora Ransibrahmanakul
Hudson Warm
Anna Calkins
Juliette Propp
Anna Papakirk
Karla Cortes
Hailey Talbert
Chloe Budakian

Jonas Loesel
Brunella Tipismana
Sukriti Ojha
Emily Khym
Owen Curtin
Fatou M’baye
Andrew Lau
Sophia Ramirez
Thisbe Wu
Nicole Viloria
Adam Bear

Linden Skalak
Eli Berliner

Yolanda Wang
Mia Kohn

Kate Estevez
Chris Tillen

Alyssa Chang
Jonas Loesel
Zachary Suri
Andre Fa’aoso
Devin Grooms-Lee

Production & Design
Carter Cashen
Lily Belle Poling
Maria Jose Cestero
Alexander Medel
Ariela Lopez
Chris Tillen

Carter Cashen
Lily Belle Poling
Julia Furneaux
Biruni Hariadi

Alyssa Chang
Sukriti Ojha
Dana Ko
Gino Feciskonin

Audience/Social Media
Emily Chen
Eli Berliner