More surprises. The FBI began its review of emails belonging to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s LAW ’73 aide Huma Abedin yesterday. FBI director James Comey announced Friday that more emails related to the Clinton probe had emerged.

Food and fundraising. Korean American Students at Yale, Chinese American Students’ Association and the Women’s Center are hosting a fundraiser at the Asian American Cultural Center. Proceeds benefit the New York Asian Women’s Center.

Standing Rock, North Dakota. Hundreds of thousands of Dakota Access Pipeline protestors from across the nation have been checking in to the Standing Rock Reservation on Facebook, in an attempt to overwhelm the local sheriff’s department.

This day in Yale history 1965 The Yale Daily News’ Bladderball Team, “Moffett’s Maulers,” wins its 329th straight victory on Old Campus. The News beats out the other four opponents in its league — the Banner, the Record, WYBC and the Literary Review.