Aries: An unexpected surplus of time will surface midweek — make sure to keep an eye out! This is also a good week to get your creative juices flowing. Ideas you generate during the next few days, particularly those pertaining to career plans (#summerinternship2016), will garner success (#goldman).
Study Break from the Stars: stand outside the Green Teahouse and drink free samples until they kick you out.
Taurus: This is also a week to watch your wallet, since a larger, unexpected cost might come up towards the end of the week. Plan for the future, and make sure to keep expenditures low over the next few days — that’s right, no more spontaneous GHeav in the wee hours.
Study Break from the Stars: “Swann’s Way.”
Gemini: Toward the end of the week, unexpected romantic interests will arise. Now is a great time to go out on a limb, perhaps literally — the planets’ alignment nearly guarantees a positive outcome should you choose to take a risk.
Study Break from the Stars: road-trip across the U.S.A. Find yourself.
Cancer: This week you may feel done with the past, but the past isn’t done with you. Unfinished business, either academic or personal, will resurface soon; but if you plan ahead you can use it to your advantage.
Study Break from the Stars: pop into Kiko Milano for some mascara that will help you ace your midterm.
Leo: Someone close to you is going through a rough patch — take time to check in and see if you can help. It’ll pay off later when you need another’s shoulder to lean on.
Study Break from the Stars: bike to Edgewood Park. Seriously. It’s beautiful.
Virgo: Take stock of your love life. Whether your problems involve prospects or lack thereof, think about what you want for the future. During the weekend the stars will be well-aligned to make a change.
Study Break from the Stars: go apple picking, but unless you get a prof pic it’s not even worth it.
Libra: The secret you’ve been hiding is on the verge of discovery, so the best thing to do is to speak up now. That’s right, you really need to tell your mom you’re not coming home for Fall Break.
Study Break from the Stars: eat a combination of junk that makes you feel sick to think about.
Scorpio: Midterms are making you weaker and sleepier than usual, but if you find the energy to make it through the first part of the week, the going will get easier from there.
Study Break from the Stars: Union League Cafe.
Sagittarius: You’ve been holding a grudge for too long. The best thing you can do right now is let it go — it might feel like losing at first, but a month from now you can sit back, relax and witness karma in action.
Study Break from the Stars: nap through your midterms.
Capricorn: Switch up your plans. Although your routine helps you get your work done, it’s also hemming you in. Great things are waiting for you — go find them.
Study Break from the Stars: do your reading.
Aquarius: The stars have opened a narrow window of creativity this week and letting it pass by would be a waste. Inspiration will come to you, but only if you meet it halfway.
Study Break from the Stars: life-changing haircut.
Pisces: If it feels like life has pulled the rug out from under you, don’t get overwhelmed. Go back to square one, and this time take the road less traveled. The stars and Robert Frost say it will make all the difference.
Study Break for the Stars: go to a Master’s Tea — just kidding, Netflix in bed. You know you want to.