Has anyone seen Kevin Daly ’14’s pea coat? It’s J. Crew cashmere. He left it at Toads in November 2010… A particular Yale organization reached out to the entire campus this weekend, by sending a flyer out to over 100 panlists. Those looking to take on an international, or at least campus-wide, service project should inform certain members of the campus how to blind carbon copy.

What’s in a name? At fair 115 Prospect Street, where Rosenkranz Hall lay its scene, a prankster struts and frets his hour upon the stage. Alas, poor MacMillan Center! You knew him, but some fellow of infinite jest has replaced signs saying “Rosenkranz Hall” with ones that proclaim “Rosenkranz and Guildenstern.” To laugh or not to laugh, that is the question.

The brief wondrous life of Nom has come to an end. The pop-up Asian fusion restaurant operated out of the Davenport College buttery has shut its doors for the season, after ending its run with over 50 students on the waitlist. Nom no more.

Bringing the dead back to life. Today is the 150th anniversary of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and the New Haven Museum is celebrating in the best possible way to celebrate anniversaries — a historical reenactment. Daniel Day-Lewis was not available so renowned Lincoln reenactor Howard Wright will be standing in.

Brave new world. Anything for science! According to a recent article from the Yale Alumni Magazine, Vivian Li GRD ’15 and Alex Shaw GRD ’13 conducted a psychology experiment by interviewing “some 60 children, half of them four years old and half six years old.”

Red hot chili championships. Yale Dining’s annual Chili Throwdown is scheduled for the coming Monday in Commons and chili recipe entries are currently being solicited. Plus “each chili entry will receive a certificate of participation,” Yale Dining announced, giving students the perfect last minute addition to their resumes and cover letters

Farewell, old friend. This academic year will be the last year of visits from Monty, the library therapy dog at Yale Law School. In the past, students have been able to check out Monty for play sessions during high-stress periods like finals week. “He is now a 14-year old dog and is beginning to show his age a little. He still loves his job, but is definitely slowing down,” the announcement read.

This day in Yale history 1947 WYBC dedicates its new studios in Hendrie Hall.

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