New colleges search for artwork

Two months after settling into their new homes, students and faculty of Franklin and Murray colleges are considering how to reify the identities of the colleges in art and decor.

Betts goes from convict to lawyer

Two decades after he received a nine-year prison sentence at the age of 16, Dwayne Betts LAW ’16 GRD ’23 has finally completed his journey […]

New crosswalks light up the University

Life just got a little bit easier for students looking to cross York Street in front of the University Theater, with the introduction of a […]

Selective sensitivity // by Zulfiqar Mannan

This November, an experimental play will go up at the Underbrook, where a Yalie will be depicted to have committed suicide in his first year. […]

WOMEN’S SOCCER: Bulldogs fall to Princeton

The Yale women’s soccer team fell 2–0 to No. 7 Princeton and skidded to its fourth consecutive winless outing, a stark contrast to its season-opening […]

Inaugural vice provost for research appointed

Peter Schiffer ’88, an experimental physicist, will join Yale in October as the inaugural vice provost for research, University President Peter Salovey and Provost Ben […]

Police clear bomb threat at New Haven courthouse

The New Haven County Courthouse was evacuated at around 11:00 a.m. Wednesday morning due to a bomb threat, according to court personnel. Just after noon, […]

Eliana Johnson: Writing from the Right

Eliana Johnson ’06 is a Minnesota native, a Yale grad, and currently one of Washington’s preeminent young political reporters. Since graduating from Yale College in 2006, Johnson has worked at a number of conservative publications including The New York Sun, Fox News and the National Review and has made frequent guest appearances on Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN. Since November 2016, she has served as the national political reporter for POLITICO, reporting on issues from the GOP Health Care bill to the daily ins and outs of the Trump Administration. On the heels of this recent career change, I spoke with Johnson about her professional journey, experiences as a female journalist, and the state of journalism and objective reporting in the United States today.

The Deep Oceans of Titan

Thomas says that the heart is impenetrable, that it is oceanic in the sense of the word from before the depths of the sea became known. He says that there is no accounting of variables when it comes to the heart, that there is no algorithm to it.

An Ear for Opera

Lucy Caplan GRD ’20 is both a musician and a scholar. Currently an American Studies doctoral candidate writing a dissertation on African-American opera in the early 20th century, Caplan studied history and literature, with a minor in music, at Harvard as an undergrad. She is now juggling writing the first chapter of her four-chapter dissertation, playing the viola in chamber music groups at Yale, and reviewing opera for publications.

Yale Reacts: A Post-Election Interview Series