NEWS’ VIEW: The News congratulates its newest staffers

On Friday, the Oldest College Daily held its fall semester staff inductions. It is with great pride that we announce the newest inductees to the Yale Daily News.

NEWS’ VIEW: Holloway, make sexual assault your issue

Three specific recommendations give Dean Holloway the opportunity to claim sexual misconduct as the issue that defines his deanship.

NEWS’ VIEW: Before colleges, show us the numbers

It's one thing for the University to centralize decision-making. It's a whole other matter to keep the facts so close to the vest that faculty and students cannot even debate or question the decisions being made.

NEWS’ VIEW: On sexual climate, opacity

Yale will survive an embarrassing front-page story in the Times. A hostile sexual culture and work environment are permanent scourges.

NEWS’ VIEW: Malloy for governor

In a second term, which we hope Malloy secures tomorrow, the governor should move beyond superficial reforms and address some of the structural reasons Connecticut lags behind the country in economic recovery.

NEWS’ VIEW: DeLauro for Congress

From her role in founding Congress’ Progressive Caucus to her staunch defense of labor unions, DeLauro has solidified her position as a stalwart of the left.

NEWS’ VIEW: Facilities must expand with colleges

We are unanimous in the belief that, as long as other facilities do not expand, a 14-college Yale is less desirable than a 12-college Yale.

NEWS’ VIEW: For clarity on mixed-gender housing

The News believes that sophomores should have the option of living in mixed-gender suites. We are optimistic that Dean Holloway will take a thorough look at this issue.

NEWS’ VIEW: Announcing directors of web development

Annie Cook Woodside, Calif. Aaron Lewis Glencoe, Ill. Christopher Wan Wellington, Fla.

NEWS’ VIEW: Notes for the Dean

While the President oversees the University at large, no one will have a greater impact on Yale College’s day-to-day operations than its new dean, Jonathan Holloway.

NEWS’ VIEW: Announcing the Managing Board of 2016

This past weekend, the News elected the Managing Board of 2016, which will steer the newspaper through its 137th year and includes the following members.