Walking Together

A bundle of sage sits below my dorm room window. When lit, its smoke cleanses my mind, body, and spirit. It rids the air of […]

Let the Light Shine

On the morning of Oct. 19, the New Haven Masonic Temple — a grand three-story brick building on Whitney Avenue, guarded by a regal staircase […]

Wheels of Change

They say that when Gov. Oliver Wolcott Jr. officially broke ground on the Farmington Canal in 1825, the spade broke. An ill omen, the newspapers […]

Reading Clay

I gaze through glass at the clay relics: kings with sinewy calves and braided blue beards, plump women suggestively cupping their breasts, a recipe for […]


The story could begin in 1961, when a postal service worker named Herbert Vogel and a librarian named Dorothy Hoffman together began a life of […]

The View from Here

At the top of Brazil’s Mount Corcovado, Christ the Redeemer overlooks the city of Rio de Janeiro. Emerging from the cable car, our tour group […]

The Full-Time Student

On Saturday night, while his friends unwind after a hard week, Isaac Wasserman ’14 bends over a stretcher in the back of a racing ambulance, […]

Learning with your Hands

The pot came from Tel Akko, Israel. It had spent the last few thousand years buried under a fieldstone wall when Jane Skinner uncovered it […]

Air Time

There’s a period of time — maybe the first minute — during “Never Say Goodbye,” a piece in the Yale Dancers fall show, when the […]

The Unofficial Guide to Yale

“It all begins with information and it not getting where it needs to go,” Casey Watts ’12 says, as he peers at me over the […]

The Hidden Sounds of Yale

The Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments makes no effort to hide itself, but somehow ends up hidden all the same. Despite passing by it […]