Genetics professor nets $3 million

Richard Lifton, Yale genetics professor, chair of the genetics department and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, was one of six scientists awarded the second annual $3 million 2014 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences last Thursday.

735 admitted early

Yale accepted 735 students from its early applicant pool this year, yielding a 15.5 percent early acceptance rate for the Class of 2018.

All-clear after Harvard bomb threat

The scare at Harvard comes less than a month after false reports of a gunman sent Yale’s campus into a lockdown over the Thanksgiving holiday.

New effort to improve mental health begins

Yale administrators wrote that they will be following up on report recommendations like making revamping the Mental Health & Counseling website to make information more accessible.

Faculty senate to be formed

For the first time in Yale’s 312-year history, the University will have a faculty senate.

Budget deal may restore federal grants

University President Peter Salovey said the largest impact of the deal for Yale would be the restoration of funding for the National Institutes of Health and other sources - largely federal agencies - of federal grants. However, the specifics of how much funding to such sources will be restored are yet to be ironed out in Congress.

The Finals Week Drink List

Here is a guide to the festive winter drinks popping around the campus, as well as a few tips for spiking them with a little seasonal kick for those so inclined.

Biden announces investment in mental health

The funds, which will come from the Affordable Care Act and the Department of Agriculture, will both improve mental health facilities and increase access to mental health services, according to a White House statement.

Police have person of interest, potential witness in lockdown case

The NHPD announced updates to the investigation of the rogue phone call made on November 25.

Swift arrest made after 18th homicide

An apparently accidental shooting has left a 23-year old New Haven resident dead in the Elm City's 18th homicide of 2013.

Vigil held for Nelson Mandela

For some at the event, Mandela’s legacy intersected directly with their own lives. Goff-Crews said that among the senior administrators, nearly all recalled protesting the apartheid regime while in college.