New Haven high school reckons with tough week following weapon at school

Following weapons at school and reassignment of a school security officer, Metropolitan Business Academy devolved into chaos on Friday.

Student Board of Education members host city-wide meeting with peers

Attended by Mayor Elicker and Superintendent Tracey, students discussed a wide range of issues they face.

New Haven Public Schools board votes to continue mask mandate

Board members unanimously assented to continuing to require masks for students and staff.

New Haven Public Schools presents 2022-23 budget, declares half day for hope and healing during pandemic

District administrators presented a budget that saw a roughly $10 million increase in spending, while the Board of Education declared March 18 as a half day for students and staff to reflect on the pandemic’s toll.

Nation’s longest-running environmental charter school breaks new ground in climate education

Students at Common Ground High School learn to change climate for the better

State Senate Democrats place mental health in schools front and center in session

Joined by the chairs of Senate Education and Children committee, PPT Looney and Majority Leader Duff unveil plans to improve youth access to mental and physical health services as well as plans to create universal Pre-K in the long term.

Yale-affiliated child care centers grapple with Omicron cases in the new year

As child care centers struggle to stay afloat nationally throughout the pandemic, the highly contagious Omicron variant has posed new challenges for child care administration and teachers.

Governor announces Feb. 28 end of statewide school mask mandate; New Haven indoor mandate to stay

Lamont informs the state that, in concert with other New England and Mid-Atlantic states, the Nutmeg state will end its school mask mandate.

Orlando Yarborough III and Abie Benitez take seats on New Haven Board of Education

With the recent expiration of Tamaiko Jackson-McArthur and Larry Conaway’s BOE terms, two new members with diverse perspectives and experiences take their seats on the board.

State, local leaders grapple with the expiration of executive emergency powers in schools

With the Governor’s executive emergency powers set to expire on February 15th, the legislature has to decide whether or not to extend statewide mandates.

NHPS showcases school options as Pre-K enrollment falls

The New Haven Public Schools system showcased its magnet and charter schools in a virtual exposition Saturday morning.