Talat Aman
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
New Haven officially opens prisoner reentry center, calls for related legislation on state-wide level

Just hours after championing the official opening of a prisoner reentry center in New Haven, Elm City officials engaged in a statewide forum for proposals […]

Activists and legislators push bill to stop solitary confinement and shutter Northern Correctional Institute

Feb. 1 marks National Freedom Day, a holiday that honors the abolition of slavery in the United States. For the holiday’s 156th anniversary, Stop Solitary […]

Clare Boone ’23: A biology major finding her niche in legal advocacy and racial justice

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Clare Boone ’23 has cycled through five different apartments in three different states. The constant moving has yet […]

Paul Witherspoon reaches settlement with Hamden

In April 2019, a Hamden police officer and Yale police officer shot at two Black New Haven residents, Stephanie Washington and Paul Witherspoon. Two and a […]

Elm City questions NHPS School Resource Officer program

From Minneapolis to New Haven, Black Lives Matter activists have called for a reduced police presence in their cities — including at schools. In New […]

More than two decades in the making, civilian review board holds first public meeting

On Monday night, the much-anticipated Civilian Review Board held its first-ever public meeting over Zoom. The 15-member board, which is meant to offer civilian supervision […]

Elm City pilots reentry welcome center for formerly incarcerated individuals

When someone is released from state prison, the Connecticut Department of Corrections typically drops them off at the New Haven Green, the New Haven Police […]

$250,000 NHPD grant would go towards overtime, Project Longevity

The Public Safety Committee of the New Haven Board of Alders gathered over Zoom on Tuesday night to discuss the logistics of a $250,000 grant […]

With more than 10,000 backlogged cases, pandemic continues to slow courts

Since mid-March, Connecticut state officials have attempted to mitigate the transmission of the coronavirus in courtrooms by suspending many everyday functions of the state’s judiciary.  […]

Af-Am House hosts conversation on anti-racist futures

On Tuesday evening, 18 students and community members gathered via Zoom to discuss anti-racism and police brutality in a community conversation hosted by the Afro-American […]

CT-03: ‘Law and order’ or police reform?