Robert Inglis
New Christian group gathers at Div. School

Marquand Chapel at the Yale Divinity School is an old-fashioned-looking place. Glass chandeliers dangle from the ceiling, Ionic columns hold up the rafters, and a […]

Local alumni continue service

Some Yale graduates may attempt to return to their bright college years by attending a football game, dancing at Toad’s, or visiting their old dining […]

Morreim delves into bioethics of surgery

While a bioethics presentation Wednesday night met with sparse student attendance, it did feature a slide show of objects taken out of people’s chest cavities, […]

Students help collect tax credit

The pitch sounds a bit too good to be true: “Secure thousands of dollars for a low income person or family in the time it […]

City group protests for gay rights

Clad in orange shirts, a group of about 50 demonstrators held signs with slogans such as “My God is not a hater” and “Love makes […]