Rabhya Mehrotra
Staff Columnist
Rabhya is a junior in Morse College. She is currently an Opinion Editor after serving as a staff columnist for two years. Outside of the YDN, she has reported for the New Haven Independent. Originally from the Washington DC area, Rabhya is studying computer science and politics.
Author Archive
MEHROTRA: Tampons out, ladies!

The first time I learned I was supposed to hide my menstrual products was in early middle school. My friend had gotten her period unexpectedly, […]

MEHROTRA: Talking to strangers

This summer, I worked and traveled throughout Malawi. When people sarcastically ask if “going abroad changed me,” I laugh, mostly because it’s true. It wasn’t […]

MEHROTRA: Triangles all the way down

Since my junior year of high school, I have had a habit of drawing triangles. Whether I’m bored in class; stressed about life; or happy […]

MEHROTRA: Religion of certainty

I had just returned home for winter break and was ready to relax, until I began to receive threatening emails. “Apply to a summer internship!” […]

MEHROTRA: Twenty-seven photos

At the end of my senior year of high school, I traveled to Paris with three of my closest friends. We had found a connection […]

MEHROTRA: Poorly planned moments

It always starts in a dining hall, when you catch the eye of a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. You actually want […]

MEHROTRA: Aesthetic activism

Scrolling through social media, it’s not hard to spot what I like to call “aesthetic activism.” This new social posturing takes many forms: VSCO-edited Instagram […]