Pradz Sapre
Staff Columnist
Pradz Sapre is a senior in Benjamin Franklin College majoring in Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry and the Humanities. His fortnightly column “Growing pains” encapsulates the difficulties of a metaphorical “growing up” within the course of a lifetime at Yale. He can be reached at
Author Archive
SAPRE: The Perfect Goodbye

During my first-ever week as a Yale student, sitting alone in a large, empty ‘dingle’ — a room with two beds but one inhabitant — I closed the tab containing a YouTube video titled “President Salovey’s Address to Yale College Class of 2024,” and submitted my first-ever piece for the News. It was titled “In Pursuit of the Perfect Goodbye.” Four years later, I am still in pursuit. And further away than I’ve ever been.

SAPRE: Répondez s’il vous plaît

Imagine this. It’s the week of your birthday. Rendered completely unoriginal by a dire time crunch, you’ve decided to throw together a Barbie-themed birthday party on the weekend. You send out invites to a mix of close friends, class friends, friend crushes and distant acquaintances from an extracurricular organization you are genuinely interested in getting to know. That Friday, you find yourself at a liquor store, staring at a row of Pink Whitney bottles, wishing the Aperol spritz was America’s national beverage instead. How many Pink Whitney bottles do you buy? 

SAPRE: The Day After It Breaks

I’m sitting in my childhood bedroom, staring at the bed up close. My neck is craned slightly, my forehead pressed against the hard mattress. How […]

A Commons Controversy

There are few things I like more about Yale than the roast beef toast at the Rostir station at Commons. Ever since it was introduced to me earlier in my senior year, it has become the sole object of my affection, the stuff of my most sensual dreams. It is the reason I get out of bed every morning. Some days, it is my only reason to smile. The weekends are difficult.

SAPRE: The unbearable lightness of being busy

There are few states of existence more natural for the average Yale student than the state of “busyness.” Whether it is week seven, three or […]

SAPRE: The case for final exams

As the end of December rolls around and the task of finding an empty room in the Humanities Quadrangle gets progressively more fraught, the binary […]

SAPRE: Loneliness and dialectics

Every so often, on an odd Monday night, after a conversation with a friend reminds me how much I love this school, I’ll return to […]

Quality time

It was the Saturday night before PRIDE in New York. We’d all come down to see our friends — him from Washington D.C., me from Boston, joined by a third friend from Philadelphia. 

SAPRE: Please respond to your damn texts

Picture this. It’s a Tuesday night. You run into the friend at the dining hall whose life is permanently in shambles, sometimes because they break […]

SAPRE: Magical thinking

Like every major day in my life thus far, my first day as a Yale college senior arrived with all the clamor of a single […]

SAPRE: On ending conversations

It’s 10 p.m. on a Saturday night. You are at a random suite in Jonathan Edwards, where the only person you know is the host. […]