Lydia Burleson
Guest Columnist
Author Archive
NONFICTION: The Weight in Her Voice

One Friday night in mid-January, I called my mother. I was starting an hourlong drive to my friend’s house in northeastern Connecticut. It was 30 […]

BURLESON: Don’t make us deal with this, too

Though it’s taken me a while to cop onto this, and though I’m certainly not perfect at following its truth each day, I’m starting to […]

BURLESON: A time for compromise

Before I left Yale for spring break, I watched as my Facebook feed turned blue and red as Yalies changed their profile pictures to include […]

BURLESON: When passion doesn’t pay

As someone from a low-income family, I knew that my desire to achieve higher education would be challenging. To overcome my family’s poverty, I knew […]

BURLESON: Yale’s uninsurance

Being a kid on Medicaid and going to Yale is almost paradoxical. I am poor in terms of money but rich in knowledge. I have […]