Lucy Hodgman
Staff Reporter
Lucy Hodgman is the editor-in-chief and president of the News. She previously covered student life and the Yale College Council. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, she is a junior in Grace Hopper majoring in English.
Author Archive
“Cosplaying as a different class character”: life as a low-income student at Yale

Students reflect on income inequality at Yale in light of statistics about Yale College income distribution published in January’s financial aid lawsuit.

Davenport Head of College John Witt to step down

Head of Davenport College John Witt will not seek reappointment after the spring term.

YCC calls for student input in administrators’ COVID-19 decisions

As the University develops COVID-19 protocol for the spring 2022 semester, the Yale College Council has met with administrators to demand increased student input and changes to COVID-19 policies.

Yale announces new, stricter public health guidelines ahead of spring term

Newly-announced policies meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as students return from winter break — including grab-and-go dining, the prohibition of all unapproved visitors […]

University delays start to spring semester, shortens spring break from two weeks to one

The semester will begin on Jan. 25 for Yale College, a week later than previously planned. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and other graduate and professional schools will also delay the start to their semesters.

Yale moves to orange alert level, sees highest single-day COVID case count

The shift from yellow to orange alert level comes in response to rising case counts on campus and in the surrounding community as well as lingering uncertainty about the Omicron variant.

Yale moves finals online and allows students to leave campus early

Following on the heels of peer institutions, and after experiencing its largest single-day COVID-19 spike, the University has moved all remaining final exams online. In a Saturday night email, administrators expressed hope to start the spring term in person but urged students to bring home all essential items.

Natalie Kainz, Multimedia Managing Editor
Natalie Kainz, Multimedia Managing Editor
Harvard remote for first three weeks of January, Yale sees largest-ever single-day COVID spike

Yale’s COVID-19 dashboard was updated with almost double the number of positive cases on Dec. 15 than previously known.

Omicron variant detected at Yale, University moves to grab-and-go dining but proceeds with in-person exams

The University has decided to continue administering exams in person, despite the detection of the Omicron variant and increased demand for on-campus isolation housing that has caused the University to double-bunk students in quarantine.

Students Unite Now marches for equitable COVID-19 recovery

Student advocacy group Students Unite Now gathered on Thursday to call for equity in the University’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“No Plans of Giving Up”: Elis for Rachael pushes for mental health care reform at Yale

Elis for Rachael, a group of Yale students and alumni and some of those who knew Rachael Shaw-Rosenbaum ’24, has lobbied for nine months for reforms to Yale mental health policies.