Kinnia Cheuk
Staff Reporter
Kinnia Cheuk is a Managing Editor for the Yale Daily News Magazine. Originally from Hong Kong, she is a sophomore in Timothy Dwight majoring in English.
Author Archive
National Book Award winner speaks at Beinecke

Robin Coste Lewis discussed her poetry and ancestry in a recent lecture hosted by the Department of African American Studies at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library last week.

Yale-WHO partnership develops educational programs to improve prison healthcare

Two new educational programs from the SEICHE Center for Health and Justice hope to teach healthcare providers about best practices for treating incarcerated populations.

Grammy-winning chamber choir entwines music with poetry at Yale

On Sept. 18, The Crossing performed three pieces at Battell Chapel, exploring nature, loss and the human body through choral music.

U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón reads at Yale

On Feb. 1, Poet Laureate Ada Limón sat down for a conversation with the Head of Ezra Stiles College, Alicia Schmidt Camacho, then gave a poetry reading and answered audience questions.

The In-Betweens

Bursting into the kitchen, in a twelve-year-old’s piercing soprano, I started a fervent reading of Wong Wai’s “Yearning” in Cantonese. My mom was unimpressed, even after my five-minute lecture on how, prosodically, Cantonese makes the poem that much more meaningful. Scoffing, she said: 「相思你識條鐵咩」 (loosely: “what the hell do you know about yearning?”). In that moment, though, I felt like I did know what it was like to yearn — for validity, if not anything else.

New Haven Pride Center loses tax-exempt nonprofit status

The Center lost its 501(c)(3) status after failing to file three consecutive years of taxes and recently replaced its executive director.

Yale graduates win Nobel Prize in Economics

Douglas Diamond ’80 and Phil Dybvig GRD ’79 won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics for their work in modeling bank runs during financial crises.

Build-your-own-major: Yale’s overlooked special divisional major

The News spoke to the only two declared special divisional majors on why they chose to pursue it and the ups and downs of doing so.