Graham Ambrose
Contributing Reporter
Author Archive
AMBROSE: Or are we dancer?

Señora Cordoba commanded her forces with enough confianza — confidence — to impress a military lieutenant. Brief pauses punctuated her rapid-fire speech, as if to give her breathless students a fair chance to decipher the meaning of her long-winded instructions. Every Friday night, the maestra opened dance lessons the same way: screaming, stomping and traipsing icily through the claustrophobic gymnasium stuffed with sweaty middle-schoolers.

AMBROSE: A mind of its own

Societies don’t progress linearly. Rather, growth builds exponentially, with success feedbacking even more success.

Did he ramble?

In the summer of 1991, three international studios in the British Isles and United States came together to produce a movie. Adapted from a thin novel by acclaimed Irish writer Roddy Doyle, the screenplay follows a ragtag band of aspiring soul musicians through the tumultuous music scene in working-class Dublin.

The Right Stuff Like That There

It’s an old gift in a new package. In late August, Yo La Tengo, the 31-year-old lo-fi group from northeast New Jersey, released another full-length studio album, “Stuff Like That There,” to little fanfare save for the hordes of aging die-hards that frequent the coffee shops looping their records.

AMBROSE: Questions beyond STEM

All scientific aspirations begin with the recognition of a need for an answer to a question.

AMBROSE: Bring meritocracy to Model UN

Whenever boasting to friends that I never engaged in a high school extracurricular designed to pad my college resume, I secretly harbored a major exception: Model United Nations, the simulation of international diplomacy and coalition-building that engrosses thousands of young adults across the globe.

AMBROSE: Teaching the untaught

A latent, unspoken burden we’ve taken upon ourselves in agreeing to spend our bright college years in New Haven involves extending the unique privileges of a Yale education across the world.

AMBROSE: Let Maher speak

Bill Maher’s views on Islam reveal his ignorance. But he should still be allowed to speak at universities where he can be confronted with true scholarship and expertise on the issues.

AMBROSE: Retiring ‘Redskin’

The continued use of the Redskins’ name both represents and emboldens society’s claim to own the prejudicial term.