Gabriel Michael
In public debate, theology may still have a place

A week ago, before I began my afternoon trek back up Prospect Street and the hill that literally elevates the Divinity School above the rest […]

Right to agency does not engender right to respect

In the past five years that I have spent at institutions of higher education, I have witnessed three visits by Ron Jeremy. That figure alone […]

Comcast revises history, meddles disingenuously

  “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” While J.K. Rowling may have had in […]

Elite grammarians? Try out-of-touch pedants

Yesterday, March 4, marked the first “National Grammar Day,” created by the nit-picking pedants of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar and sponsored […]

For rock stars and professors, perform or perish

Harvard University’s recent decision to make faculty publications available online at no cost is the latest step forward in a decade-long push for open access […]

Popular anti-religion creates false dichotomy

It is a telling sign of the times that both journalist Christopher Hitchens’ latest book, “God Is Not Great,” and Oxford professor Richard Dawkins’ latest […]