Emily Schussheim
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
Pianists perform macabre masterpieces

Last Friday evening in the Silliman College common room, four student pianists took a bow, wearing plastic Viking helmets and brandishing foam swords, before they […]

Berkeley giveaways create college spirit

Feeling lucky? This year, the Berkeley Head of College’s Office is running weekly lotteries for winnings as coveted as tickets to the Yale Symphony Orchestra’s […]

Women’s Leadership Program thrives

The Women’s Leadership Program, held at the School of Management, drew a diverse group of female attendees.

Grounds maintenance trims carbon emissions

Yale’s fleet of lawnmowers, hedge trimmers and chainsaws are buzzing into the environmentally conscious 21st century as the Office of Facilities works to replace diesel-powered […]

Yale Daily News
Jewish students prepare for High Holidays

As the Jewish High Holy Days get underway, many Jewish students at Yale are traveling, missing sections and even skipping lectures to attend religious services […]

Humane society rescues dogs from Harvey

The Connecticut Humane Society took in 22 shelter dogs from Texas last week, giving them an opportunity to find a family in Connecticut while also […]