Amy Xiong
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
Study underscores dangers of fracking

A recent Yale School of Public Health analysis identified 55 known, probable or possible human carcinogens determined to be potential water or air pollutants from the fracking process.

Yale researchers design new cancer research model

Yale researchers have designed the first mouse model that successfully mimics the growth of various stages of myeloma cancer in humans, opening a new door for myeloma research.

Leo rolls out diversity policies

Leo, the Yale fraternity formerly known as Sigma Alpha Epsilon, is undergoing changes in internal culture as it adopts new policies on diversity and inclusion after the group dissociated itself from the national fraternity chapter in May.

Researchers awarded $10.5 million to study anti-aging hormone

A group of Yale researchers investigating the potentially life-extending capacity of a hormone was recently jointly awarded $10.5 million in research funding by the National […]

FroCo program highlights diversity, inclusion

After a year of student demonstrations about race and inclusion that reverberated across campus, the class of 2020 arrived at Yale during a special time: Students are still recovering from the past year’s upheaval while looking forward to the promise of a new school year. Chosen to help Yale College’s youngest members acclimate to a campus undergoing numerous changes, freshman counselors have this year, in particular, been trained to prioritize diversity and inclusion in program.

Potential therapy found for vascular disease

Yale researchers have discovered a potential therapy for treating a severe vascular disease that often leads to seizures and strokes.
