Alexis Lam
Staff Reporter
Author Archive
Red flags to watch for: potential suitemate edition

It’s that time of the year again — when upperclassmen debate whether having a kitchen is worth a 40-minute trek to Science Hill, L-Dub first years finally escape their bunk beds, and everyone starts questioning if they really like their suitemates.

How to be a Winter It Person

As the snow starts to fall and hot chocolate becomes its own food group, it’s time to swap out our fall wardrobe for winter’s new […]

Alexis Lam
Game day fashion: what Yalies wear, then and now

With The Game coming up this Saturday, students are scrambling to finish their assignments and pack for home. But in the midst of this final […]

What Your School Bag Says About You (Oddly Specific Edition)

The Shakespeare and Company    If the iconic Shakespeare and Company tote is your school bag of choice, then you’ve for sure been to Paris […]

The Loop that Keeps on Looping

Do you ever find yourself running around campus trying to find a study spot that doesn’t make you depressed? Bass is for when you’re really […]

Where you lead, I will follow: An ode to motherhood and Gilmore Girls

My mum is my rock, my inspiration and the person who made me who I am. She is the reason for my name and my go to fun fact during group icebreakers.